

Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform Learning Initiative, Pilot!

Welcome to Abir’s blog series about Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement! In this series, Abir will explore the Dynamics 365 features, use cases, customization capabilities, development possibilities, integration functionalities and D365-related technologies such as the Power platform, Azure functions and much more.

Securing Your Code: Identifying and Preventing Vulnerabilities with Roslyn Analyzers

In this article, we’re going to discuss a common security issue that can sneak into your codebase with just one mistake and explore how we can identify and fix it during the coding process.
Certain vulnerabilities can easily find their way into your code and pose significant security risks. Relying solely on reminders like “Please be more careful” or hoping that someone will spot them during a code review isn’t a reliable solution. As developers, one of the best approaches is to implement preventive measures as early as possible, ideally without the need for human intervention, if feasible.

Transform Your Data into Knowledge with GPT for Enterprise Data

Introducing Authority Partners’ GPT for Enterprise Data capability, which harnesses generative AI technology to revolutionize both customer support and knowledge retrieval and creation scenarios. Learn how our tailor-made AI solutions bolster user engagement, maintain high NPS, and streamline document search and generation processes, dramatically enhancing productivity, and thus unlocking your business’s true potential.

Cloud Migration Roadmap: A Comprehensive and Strategic Approach

Cloud migration offers benefits like scalability, agility, reliability, cost optimization, security, and access to advanced technology. However, challenges such as migrating large databases, maintaining data integrity and security, ensuring business continuity, avoiding cost overruns, and ensuring interoperability and portability must be considered. Choosing the right migration strategy depends on factors like the nature of applications and data, level of control required, urgency, and available budget/resources.

Striking the Balance: Finding the Perfect Ratio of Manual to Automation Testing

Automated testing is a powerful tool that can boost efficiency and effectiveness in software testing. However, it is important to keep in mind that manual testing is complementary to automated testing, as it finds problems from the viewpoint of the user or unanticipated bugs from unplanned scenarios. This blog assesses the key differences between manual and automated testing, the importance of both methodologies in software testing and how they can be successfully combined.

Program and Project: Implementing a Governance Framework

You’ve got 10 projects managed by three different team leads. How do you create a governance framework that provides a senior manager or director with the kind of information and high-level overview and program health they need to understand if program goals are being met? In this blog we explore how Authority Partners has put to use an innovative blend of tools to provide a solution to this persistent challenge.