


Travel the World with AP Team

Travel the World with the AP Team

Authority Partners is a global company with a multi-cultural team spread across five continents and 33 countries. There are many different ways to travel around the world, and for now, a regular traveling experience just won’t cut it. The impact of COVID-19, on the other hand, leaves us room for creativity, and this is something that the AP team certainly does not lack.


The Authority Partners Team Stories: Emek Taydas

The AP team stories form a substantial core of our team experience about the AP culture and environment. During the interview, among other things, Emek revealed what his superpowers are and talked about a common AP language, being a truth-speaker in AP, and a curious side of our team who is never afraid to lift the carpet to see what’s swept under it.


System engineer – Swiss Army Knife of IT

Ever wondered about the role of a system engineer in a software development company? Or about a system engineer’s role in general? Well, if so, you’re in the right place. In this podcast, we discuss what roles and responsibilities a system engineer has and, in particular, how does he/she fit into Authority Partners’ environment and culture.


The Authority Partners Team Stories: Kamran Khalil

Like many success stories, our journey to create the AP Teams Stories was inspired by our team’s passion for technology, which has guided them through life from the very beginning to the present day.


Automation Testing Within SDLC

Every AP Podcast is sharing knowledge-driven, and it’s all about us growing together. This month, we host Ammar Salosevic, QA Analyst at Authority Partners to talk about ‘Automation testing within SDLC’ and why it is an essential step in QA, which is often neglected.

Maja-Erol-Authority Partners Founders

Співзасновники компанії розповідають як Authority Partners (AP) долають кризу, спричинену COVID-19

Поточна криза, спричинена COVID-19, змінила та продовжує змінювати принципи роботи компаній у всьому світі. Ніхто не може розраховувати, що подолає її неушкодженим, тож велика кількість компаній зіткнуться з тим, що

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