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AI-Powered: From Zero to Hero
Discover the enchanting tale of how a space creature inspired an AI-powered children’s story app. Visionary Burak Bolek, aided by Beste Nur Pacci, brings AI’s magic to life in mobile apps. Explore AI’s storytelling prowess, child safety measures and age-appropriate content. Join us on this exciting journey where language models craft imaginative, secure narratives for young minds.
Let’s CLAP for Luciano Yabra!
August’s edition of Let’s CLAP takes us all the way to Argentina. World, let us introduce you to Luciano Yabra, an exceptional Software Developer at Authority Partners.
Let’s CLAP for Stefanija Popovska!
July’s spotlight is shining bright on Stefanija Popovska, an exceptional Software Developer representing North Macedonia at Authority Partners!
Authority Partners Architecture Summit 2023: AI as the Key Element in IT Industry Transformation
This year’s Summit brings together 14 speakers to discuss information systems architecture, with a focus on AI’s transformative role in IT. The event offers IT professionals from Authority Partners and client companies a platform to share ideas, experiences, and best practices in leveraging AI for business system design.
Let’s CLAP for Vincente Camacho!
This month, we proudly shine the spotlight on Vicente Camacho, a visionary Scrum Master from Costa Rica!
Securing Your Code: Identifying and Preventing Vulnerabilities with Roslyn Analyzers
This article discusses a common security vulnerability that can sneak into your code with a single mistake and explores how to identify and fix it during coding. Relying on reminders or code reviews isn’t enough; developers should implement preventive measures early to minimize security risks.
Secure Cloud Application Delivery: Mitigating Risks and Accelerating Delivery Cadence with DevSecOps
Elevate your DevOps journey: Unleash the potential of cloud application delivery with security-aware agility. Watch the webinar recording and gain invaluable insights into securing cloud application delivery while maintaining a
Unleashing the Power of Dynamics 365
Tune in to the Authority Partners podcast to explore the potential of Dynamics 365 with Onela Pilipovic, Senior Account Executive, and Goran Lazic, Senior Dynamics 365 Program Architect.
Authority Partners Welcomes Michael Loga as Chief Revenue Officer to Drive Revenue Growth and Market Expansion
Authority Partners, a global technology consulting and software development company, welcomes Michael Loga as Chief Revenue Officer to Drive Revenue Growth and Market Expansion