


The (Tech) Tale about an AI-Powered Children’s Storytime App

Step into the future of mobile technology as we share the extraordinary realm where artificial intelligence and traditional storytelling converge. We are excited to share this blog, mirroring our podcast episode. Join us as we explore the mesmerizing world of mobile applications that seamlessly combine AI with children’s stories, creating an unparalleled experience for young minds.

Tracing the Path to Today’s AI Marvels

Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a source of fascination and inspiration. Its allure has permeated the realms of science fiction, academic research, and most recently, practical applications in everyday life. The dream of creating an intelligent machine can be traced back to antiquity, with myths and stories of artificial beings endowed with consciousness or intelligence. However, the formal inception of AI as we know it today began in the mid-20th century, catalyzed by the advent of programmable digital computers.

Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform Learning Initiative, Pilot!

Welcome to Abir’s blog series about Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement! In this series, Abir will explore the Dynamics 365 features, use cases, customization capabilities, development possibilities, integration functionalities and D365-related technologies such as the Power platform, Azure functions and much more.

AI-Powered: From Zero to Hero

Discover the enchanting tale of how a space creature inspired an AI-powered children’s story app. Visionary Burak Bolek, aided by Beste Nur Pacci, brings AI’s magic to life in mobile apps. Explore AI’s storytelling prowess, child safety measures and age-appropriate content. Join us on this exciting journey where language models craft imaginative, secure narratives for young minds.

Let’s CLAP for Luciano Yabra!

August’s edition of Let’s CLAP takes us all the way to Argentina. World, let us introduce you to Luciano Yabra, an exceptional Software Developer at Authority Partners.

Let’s CLAP for Stefanija Popovska!

July’s spotlight is shining bright on Stefanija Popovska, an exceptional Software Developer representing North Macedonia at Authority Partners!

Stefanija’s journey in the IT field has been fueled by her dedication to personal growth and continuous learning. At Authority Partners, she thrives in an environment that supports her career aspirations and recognizes her accomplishments. From achieving milestones to celebrating team successes, Stefanija embodies the spirit of collaboration and balance. Her story is truly inspiring!

Join us in applauding Stefanija for her incredible journey and commitment to creating excellence.

Authority Partners Architects’ Summit 2023: AI as the Key Element in IT Industry Transformation

This year’s Summit features 14 speakers who will present on a wide range of topics in the field of information systems architecture, with a focus on artificial intelligence and its role in transforming the IT industry. The event provides an opportunity for IT professionals from Authority Partners and client companies to exchange experiences, ideas and best practices in utilizing AI technologies in the design and construction of business systems.

Let’s CLAP for Vincente Camacho!

This month, we proudly shine the spotlight on Vicente Camacho, a visionary Scrum Master from Costa Rica!

Vicente thrives in the vibrant and collaborative environment at Authority Partners, surrounded by diverse colleagues who value teamwork and open communication. The company’s commitment to continuous learning empowers Vicente to stay at the forefront of his field, constantly evolving and expanding his skills.

Securing Your Code: Identifying and Preventing Vulnerabilities with Roslyn Analyzers

In this article, we’re going to discuss a common security issue that can sneak into your codebase with just one mistake and explore how we can identify and fix it during the coding process.
Certain vulnerabilities can easily find their way into your code and pose significant security risks. Relying solely on reminders like “Please be more careful” or hoping that someone will spot them during a code review isn’t a reliable solution. As developers, one of the best approaches is to implement preventive measures as early as possible, ideally without the need for human intervention, if feasible.

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