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Ensuring quality, compliance and client satisfaction using automation in audits

Explore the dynamic realm of internal audits, revealing the transformative power of automation with MS Power Platform and Power BI. From ISO certifications to the critical role of CAPA systems, our subject matter experts provide a concise, yet comprehensive, look at how Authority Partners elevates audit processes for enhanced efficiency and client satisfaction.

Revolutionizing the Workplace with Generative Agents

Welcome to our latest blog, “Revolutionizing the Workplace with Generative Agents.” Today, we’ll be exploring the impact of Generative Agents on the landscape of artificial intelligence. These advanced agents are reshaping human-machine interaction, offering unique insights into their capabilities, identities, and potential applications in office settings. Join us on this journey as we uncover the subtle yet profound transformations taking place in the world of enterprise AI.

Automating Cloud Deployments with Terraform and IaC

In our latest blog, we’re delving into the world of “Automating Cloud Deployments with Terraform and IaC.” We’ll explore how using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Terraform can make managing cloud resources simpler and more efficient. Join us to understand the practical side of declarative configurations, execution plans, and the real-world benefits of using Terraform for seamless cloud deployments.

Let’s CLAP for Fiorella Rumori!

Meet Fiorella Rumori from the United States, a talented Business Analyst at Authority Partners. Fiorella’s personality shines through various lenses – she is a unique blend of creativity and analytical skills, setting her apart and contributing to her outstanding professionalism.

Elevate Your Testing: The Power of Containerization Explored

In the December session of ABSL Club Powered by Authority Partners, QA Engineers Ajisa Cebo and Rabina Jusufovic took a deep dive into containerized test environments in a fireside chat. Picture this: containers are like lightweight, portable boxes that hold everything needed to run software smoothly. Throughout the session, Ajisa and Rabina explained how these containers have shaken up the testing game.

Watch our recorded session today to learn from Ajisa and Rabina’s real-world stories, practical examples and invaluable tips.

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