Ioanna Papakanderaki, Program Manager at AP, freely shares her experience on a sprint goal, a key element for a happy scrum team. In this podcast, we talk about the importance of the Sprint Goal as an essential element. Ioanna uncovers how to set up the sprint goal, potential root causes of not having a sprint goal, and possible scenarios. Finally, Ioanna tackles the creating/monitoring phase of the Sprint Goal.
About Ioanna
Ioanna Papakanderaki is a Program Manager at Authority Partners. She has graduated as an Electrical and Computer Engineer and specialized in power, and biomedical engineering. Ioanna started working at Authority Partners as a Scrum Master in 2017. Currently, she is working as a program manager in enterprise projects. Ioanna is an agile enthusiast. She is constantly working on improving the processes for a smother adaptation into Agile frameworks and mindset.
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