


TechTuesday – let’s be the authority on IT subjects

#TechTuesday – let’s be the ‘authority’ on IT subjects

The basic concept of this initiative is to keep learning new skills and technologies in AP and share knowledge with our colleagues. #TechTuesday sessions will take place every 2nd and 4th Tuesday in month, each sessions will last 45 minutes.


Full house at MSCommunity meetup @ API Lab!

What a great evening and what a full house at the MSCommunity meetup held at API Lab on October 28, 2015! We have had the opportunity to follow two very interesting presentations on Caching on Azure and Factoring out Authorization from Apps thanks to our AP professionals Enes and Tarik who shared their knowledge and experience with the curious audience.

Internship Positions at AP Lab 1

Internship Positions at AP Lab

Are you looking for exciting internship opportunities that will give you the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, explore new technologies and start your career? Then AP Lab is the place to be!


AP voted third Top Preferred Employer!

According to the users of the portal, Authority Partners was ranked as the top third most preferred employer in 2016! This is the sixth consecutive year that Authority Partners has been found to be one of the Most Preferred Employers in BiH.

Jurgen Appelo @ AP on Agile Development

Jurgen Appelo @ AP on Agile Development

After months of joint reading sessions, our employees had the amazing and valuable opportunity to meet Jurgen Appelo, the author of the acclaimed book, “Management 3.0 – Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders.”

Code-off @ ETF Sarajevo

Code-off @ ETF Sarajevo

It’s official! The top three winners of the “Code-off @ ETF Sarajevo“ Challenge on the topic “Boost Your Local Community“ have been announced on February 27th, 2015.

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