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This year, we are opening another AP Dev Talks Meetup session with Kamran Khalil, Program Architect and Software Developer at Authority Partners, on the exciting topic “Progressive Web Apps Vs. Cross-Platform Vs. Native Apps in 2022. ” The event will be held on February 24th, 2022, from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (CET) via MS Teams.

Kamran Khalil has been working in mobile tech for the last 8 years, working on various projects in the healthcare industry, retail intelligence, and extensive video & photo editing apps. He is experienced in efficiently creating and distributing user experiences, which are used throughout the world.

Progressive Web Apps Vs. Cross-Platform Vs. Native Apps in 2022

Did you know that 6.6 billion people, or 83% of the world’s population, use smartphones? Wow!

In his presentation, Kamran will discuss and predict the trends for mobile app development in 2022. He will compare progressive web apps, cross-platform app development, and native apps. All approaches will be evaluated on the cost of development, security, performance, updates, and distribution.

RSVP early to save your seat. Two days before the event, you will receive the MS Teams link for joining the Meetup. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our online community and engage in discussions and networking with peers.

You don’t want to miss this event. Be sure to save the date!