Creating Shared Purpose and Commitment Through Internal Communication


There is no general definition of what art is. Maybe it is a synonym for the beautiful things that touch our souls through our senses of touch, vision, hear, and more. We believe communication is an art, and the art of communication is the language of authority. At AP, DO must match the SAY!

Make sure to listen to the new podcast episode where Ena Taslaman, Head of PR and Communications Department at AP, talks about internal communication playing a big role in company culture.

Let’s dive into concepts of internal communications, employee engagement, culture warriors, change management, and why employees are the most important audience in AP.

About Ena

Ena Taslaman is a passionate Communications Professional and Head of the PR and Communications Department in Authority Partners, leading internal and external communications. She’s graduated from Economics and International Business, and currently, she’s a Gestalt Psychotherapy student in her final year.

What primarily drives her is to inspire people, gain a profound understanding of client needs, develop relationships more easily and employ the right approaching business strategies.

As a cherry on the top, Ena says that her greatest passions are animals and nature, in addition to psychology.

So now it’s time to tune in and dive into the inside of AP. Here are a few direct links to make it easier for you; we are sure that you have already subscribed to the AP Podcast at your favorite platform.

Let us take you to another level of excellence!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this podcast are the speaker’s own and do not reflect the view of Authority Partners.