Productivity And Work Life Balance When Working From Home


In just a few weeks, if not days, our world, our work has changed profoundly. Without any notification or preparation, we found ourselves in a situation where we are isolated, working from home, some of us leading virtual teams, some of us managing spouses and kids at the same time as managing work. The purpose of this podcast is to explore ways in which we can maintain and keep our productivity and work life balance when working from home. 


About Ema

Ema Borovina is a Director and Co-Owner of Creativa BH since 2013. She has been involved in organizational and talent development for more than 15 years. She is in constant search for new ways of developing and shaping effective patterns of behavior. Ema brings a tremendous amount of professional knowledge and professional experience to education. So far, she has created and conducted more than one hundred soft skills trainings for employees in a remarkably diverse range of functions in various industries. Ema is specialized in the strategic role and development of the human resource management function in the organization. She is educated in Jungian coaching, team coaching, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, and many other development techniques.

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