


The Road Ahead – Authority Partners 3.0

We closed one chapter that was 3 years long and introduced a new one, something that we call Authority Partners 3.0. It comes as the result of AP natural evolution and maturity fueled by constant growth and development.

The Authority Partners Team Stories: Filip Kristo

In the last month of this year, we had the pleasure of meeting Filip Kristo from the Republic of Croatia, a Software Developer and a Team Lead at Authority Partners. Read on to hear more about Filip and Croatia, his role in AP; how does AP support your professional development and career, which cutting-edge technologies he is excited about, what makes a person successful in AP in his opinion, and many more.

AP Journey to the Next Level of Excellence and Growth

Let’s wrap this year up with a special edition podcast, with the Authority Partners founders, Erol and Maja Karabeg. You will learn how AP adapted business strategy according to changes in the information technology industry, why AP consultants place company culture as one of the top priorities, what is our founders vision for the next four years, and much more.

The Authority Partners Team Stories: Merima Ceranic

Get yourself comfortable and learn directly from AP consultant’s experience. This month we bring you an inspiring story from Merima Ceranic, Software Developer at AP. She will describe her journey from AP Lab trainee to AP consultant, her experience on the AP approach to career development, and team support and many more.

The Authority Partners Team Stories: Mittal Chandra

Colorful festivals, unique clothes, yoga and herbs, delicious and spicy cuisine, ancient and diverse culture, sound familiar? Yes, we talk about India. This month we bring you a story from Mittal Chandra, Software Engineer at Authority Partners.

The Authority Partners Team Stories: Jovan Dobrilovic

In this month’s AP Team Stories, we bring you a story from Jovan Dobrilovic, QA Engineer at Authority Partners from Sarajevo – BIH, who will talk about his biggest adjustment when he joined AP, his favorite events, and personality traits he looks for in ideal team members. Read on to hear what makes him proud to work at AP.

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