This is the second time that Authority Partners has gathered members of the IT community. The seventh Global Azure Bootcamp (GAB) was held on April 27, 2019 at the Authority Partners Lab – Talent and Innovation Center, where participants had the opportunity to learn from regional IT experts. Amina Karić, Vice President of Operations at Authority Partners, and Mustafa Toroman, Azure MVP and Program Architect at Authority Partners, opened the event with a keynote speech.
For the past seven years, the Global Azure Bootcamp has been gathering thousands of IT professionals for an event that takes place on the same day at various venues all over the world. This year’s event was held in over 300 locations. Last year, we put BiH on the Global Azure Bootcamp community map for the first time when we participated among 75 other countries. This year, over 40 IT professionals took part in the event in Sarajevo.
“It is a great pleasure to support this event. Authority Partners is committed to promoting positive business practices, a dynamic environment and a culture of excellence, through which we have managed to raise the IT industry in BiH to a higher level,” said Amina Karić.
Cloud computing has become a standard in the global IT industry. Therefore, the aim of this event was to promote and educate BiH IT professionals about Microsoft Azure and cloud computing. The most successful global companies are the largest cloud service providers. Currently, many companies are trying to enter this market. A market growth of 17% is predicted for this year, with revenue exceeding $200 billion. Experts also predict that in 2025, over 80% of the IT industry will be using cloud computing, while only 20% will be using local IT infrastructure.
“I am very glad that BiH is on the map for this important event. I am proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to the mission of making a significant and positive impact on the IT industry and young people. Given the great potential of this market, it is very important for Bosnia and Herzegovina to engage in educating IT professionals and to take full advantage of the opportunity cloud computing offers,” said Mustafa Toroman.
Amazing lecturers freely shared their experiences during the event. Sasha Kranjac, CEO at Kranjac IT Training and Consulting and Azure MVP, is a Security and Azure Specialist and Instructor with more than two decades of experience in the field. Sasha gives lectures at many conferences, and has the unique ability to approach a topic in an original way. His talk was entitled, “A Practical Guide to Azure Troubleshooting and Diagnostics.”
Luka Pejović, Software Engineer at Authority Partners, has many .NET technologies under his belt, and he is passionate about good architecture and solutions that can make a developer’s everyday life easier. He spoke about monitoring applications using application insights. Enes Pelko, Co-founder and CTO at Long Run, has more than 12 years of experience as a professional software developer. Enes demonstrated design principles for Azure applications.
Mirza Vučijak, Program Architect at Authority Partners, has been working in the software industry for several years, focusing primarily on Microsoft technologies, but he enjoys Azure the most. He shared his experience with Durable Azure Functions. Finally, Ratomir Vukadin, DevOps/Software Engineer at Klika, has almost five years of experience in software development. Ratomir talked about Azure Databases with Azure DevOps.
“I am truly honored to have the opportunity to participate in this event, which has quickly become an important part of the IT community in BiH. During the event, we had the opportunity to share knowledge about new and popular services in the Azure Cloud,” said Mirza Vučijak.
Through its positive practices and culture of excellence, Authority Partners has been contributing to the IT community in BH as an equal participant on the global market for the past fourteen years. The company’s goal was not just to create a successful business, but to invest in the IT industry in BiH and to support young people.