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Date: March 20th, 2023

Time: 12 PM (CET)

Venue: AP Lab, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 6/5, Sarajevo and online

Topic: How to architect real-time software solutions?

Are you interested in learning how to architect real-time software solutions for fraud detection and other applications?

Look no further than our upcoming event featuring Sami Ahmed, a Visiting Fellow of the WorldChicago Fellowship program and a Senior Solutions Engineer at Confluent, specialized in Financial Services (FSI).

In today’s fast-paced world, where millions of transactions take place every second, real-time data processing and analysis are essential for detecting fraudulent activity and preventing potential losses. This is where real-time software solutions come in, enabling businesses to detect and prevent fraud in real time before it’s too late.

Sami is an expert in leveraging tools across the streaming technologies stack to help FSI companies realize their use cases, including fraud detection applications, transactional systems, and bridge to cloud. He has also helped small and medium-sized companies in various industries adopt data streaming capabilities, including in healthcare, IoT, e-commerce, aerospace and FSI.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional and gain insights into the latest real-time software solutions for fraud detection and beyond.

RSVP to register for in person participation!

In case you are unable to attend in person, please email MC@authoritypartners.com to provide you with a link.