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The world is experiencing a 15-year low in an ongoing talent shortage. Talent acquisition professionals are facing many changes because of the “Great Resignation” and numerous global events that have shaken the world over the last 2 years.

These changes continue to create hiring challenges, and the skills required for the most in-demand roles continue to evolve rapidly. 

Join our panel discussion on Monday, August 15th at 18:00 h with Larisa Halilovic, Team Development Specialist; Benjamin Kadic, Founder & CEO at Popcorn Recruiters; Amer Klopić, Director of Talent Attraction at Ministry of Programming; Rusmira Bukic, HR Manager at ZenDev; and Zerina Sulejmanovic Terzic, Head of Talent Acquisition at Authority Partners.  

Together, let’s bridge these gaps to optimize employment opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s IT sector.

Note: The panel will be held in the local language (BHS).